Friday, November 9, 2012

How to be a powerful person


Contrary to common beliefs there is no single definition for power or clear steps that can be followed in order to become a powerful person. Power is most often linked with authority, independence, ability to influence and have a certain impact on one’s environment. However it does happen that we do not always fulfill all the above mentioned criteria of being totally independent. We sometimes find ourselves in situations that are difficult to handle all alone and yet we have to ask for help.
The root cause of weakness in this world is being in need. The more we become needy and the more we depend on others to help us the more we will become weak and the farther we will be from becoming powerful.
Thus it is important for one to work towards reaching  a certain level of independence. In that journey we should cut off with behaviors that negatively shape our lives and interactions with all the patterns around us.  We should keep a positive attitude and understand that we are the main , if the only responsible of our own destiny. We should be positive and avoid seeking others acknowledgement to feel alive. We are special and unique from the day we were born, and we are even champions since we were conceived in our mother’s wombs.

 The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.  ~Julien Green

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