Friday, May 25, 2012

Does money equal happiness ?
Money is an important income that contributes a lot in ensuring a certain comfort of life. Money is indeed a great resource although it can appear as a taboo for certain people. It gives you access to the basics needs of life and even more for those who earn it more.

As a matter of fact, money presents itself as an undeniable generator of material value. With money you can buy almost everything, you can start a business, you can do so many things that satisfy you to a certain extend. As commonly said money calls money…

However, it is surprising to see that not all who earn the best of it are happy. The point is that money can help you buy the material and necessary things that you need, but cannot buy happiness. Here comes a powerful world and yet of big interest. Happiness has to do with the inside aspect of things. It is more about the quietness and peace of your soul in harmony with yourself, the world surrounding you and your creator.

Try a Cliche

A cliché is a common expression used in language to express a predictable or expected action. Typically a pejorative, "clichés" are not always false or inaccurate; a cliché may refer to a true fact or can just be a false fact too. Some are stereotypes, but some are simply truisms and facts. Clichés are often employed for comic effect, typically in fiction.

In literature or in writing for instance Clichés have become so overused that they tend to lose their originality. Many people use them wrongly and out of context just for impressive oral or writing touch. Others use them in a more intelligent way that enriches the poesy itself.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Feelings follow behaviour...

Feelings are directly associated with our behavior. Even from a scientific point of view, your brain has to give instruction first for your body to be in motion. Simply as it may seem, an action can only take place when your brain which is in essence the root of our thoughts and feelings orders to do so.
Then, it becomes a duty as individuals to be more careful about the types of thoughts and feelings that seize us because of the irreversible consequences it may bring.
The point is that many people are not able to control their feelings. You will not be surprised by the way some people may act at you. It is most often due to their resentful feelings towards you, whether you provoked it or not.
This kind of attitude can be very harmful for the individual itself. Sometimes a lack of self-esteem can better explain it. Nevertheless, it is important to choose to think and meditate only on what is good, just, pure, virtuous and praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8-9).

Fighting like cats and dogs!?


 Being a very popular idiom, fighting like cats and dogs is about the attitude that most people involved in any relationship are confronted with.

It is true that each individual has its own personality traits, some like fighting while others bet for a more peaceful environment.

The point is that we must understand and realize which of the both we fall in. Also, the understanding of your partner’s traits can be very helpful in carrying with the relationship.

An important aspect is that each of us plays a certain role in the relationship whether you want to admit or deny it. Discovering your role will put you in a better position aimed at solving your problems.

It is not ideal for couples to fight all the time. It may be just a simple mistake that requires immediate forgiveness. Though because of lack of trust, pride and ego it can become something sorrow that can destroy a beautiful relationship.

Why do we fight like cats and dogs!

Friday, May 11, 2012

keeping laziness away

Lack of mind control for laziness can destroy your dreams of achieving your goals. To get rid of laziness is not an easy job but at the same time not impossible as well. There are ways wherein one can program the mind in such a way that there is no access to it.

Get addiction to good habit

Get addicted to better and constructive habits than laziness. Once you swallow the bait, you have to pay for it. Be prepared to act immediately when you get a slight sensation of laziness.

Always look at the objective to achieve

Achieving a given task is not is not an easy task to do. The bug of laziness further makes it tougher. Think of the moment when your task will be achieved, applauds and appreciations that would follow then. This dream is achievable only if you overcome laziness. So think of the final outcome rather than the problems, because focusing on the problems would stimulate laziness.

Be a good planner ( strategise)

Set your daily tasks from morning to evening in splits to keep your brain active and keep a time span for some relaxation as well. Focused work will pay more than running after too many things at a time.

Have a positive attitude
Be optimistic and avoid negative thoughts.So avoid words like 'I can't', 'I won't', 'I don't' etc.

Quality sleep is a must

A sound sleep evacuates unwanted thoughts from the mind. Mental tiredness can lead to laziness. So it is essential to refresh ownself with a good quality sleep...

"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little, falls into lazy habits of thinking" - Albert Einstein

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What about YOU…

What about you, refers to the recognition of one’s personal identity.

The identity deals with the intrinsic traits and behavioural personality that one possesses and that differentiate him/her from somebody else.

It is true that as we trying to adapt to certain environments, some people easily lose their focus forgetting about who they truly are. That is a very sad reality. We must understand that each and everyone of us has specific points of uniqueness and therefore differs from each other.

However, confronted to the numerous challenges that we face in life, we so often see people deprived from a strong personality, having their mind corrupted in all sort “prostitution of the spirit”.

The prostitution accent here entails the ignorance of the talents and genius that God who created us has placed in each of us. The reason behind it is also linked to the fact that people lack love.

In fact they don’t love themselves and it is quite difficult for them to love others. This clearly demonstrates that they don’t bear the nature of their creator, which is inacceptable. When you bear the nature of such almighty God, you understand where you are coming from and have confidence in where you go…

Therefore you shall not have fear to face today neither tomorrow. You are from a victorious tribe. Do not be in competition with others. Be in competition with yourself. Develop a strong personality and don’t corrupt your mind to impress the world, the world is not worthy of it. Only God is worthy of your exceptional performance…

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot.

It is generally said that action talk louder than words. This is a true statement that can be verified in our daily routine.

We are currently living in an environment that is on ongoing change. Everything happens so fast that actions also need to take place at the same rate. You will find it difficult to give credit to mere words. They will appear as empty and without any energy to draw from it.

As a matter of fact, practice makes things better and easier as the time goes on. The more you practice, the better you become. So rather use one’s time wisely by putting the words into actions.

Related to this, the importance of practice is far greater than talking a lot, because what matters at the end it the result, the evidence that can be touched and evaluated to bring about testimony, the one that inspires and move forward …

Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of- the road

Wedding cake in the  middle of the road can suggest the unexpected that one can face at a particular stage of ones’ lifetime.
A wedding cake is a particular cake that celebrates two  people’s union as a couple for life. It is about celebration. It is generally said that marriage  is the best day in a woman’s life.
However, marriage is not necessarilly every woman’s dream on earth. With the rapidily growing society in which we live, many women become more and more independent and the idea of getting married is not always a priority for them.
Although  marriage is not the focus point of every women, it happens that there is a course in a woman’s life in which she can not longer fight against her emotions or sensitivity.
This is where even  the thoughest women let their female sensitivity drive them in the pure desire of love through a solid union brought and tighteen by the sacrament of marriage…