Friday, March 30, 2012

How do you step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

To stand out, one needs to distinguish from the crowd. Here begins the ideal of any successful achievement in life. Simply as it may seem, the true remains that for being noticed one has to undertake a step: stand and yet set oneself apart from the crowd.

This action implies that one shall make choices that are necessary for the starting point of any move. Whether you decide to stand out or not to, it is important to understand that you are still making a choice!

We should be able to look beyond what is expected and bring the special gift that God has granted each of us: uniqueness. By the time you understand that you are an absolutely unique person in everything that you can do, you then start activating the genius that lies in you.

Therefore “stepping out from the top of a 100 foot pole”, suggests that you discover your true identity, the champion identity. And then like a sunrise that keeps shining, you affect your surroundings and bring your special gift to light.


  1. Love how you incorporated the sunset into your story. I was confused at first.. :)

  2. Thanks for your cmment Michelle :)
