Friday, September 14, 2012

Faithfulness always pays off…

They generally say that if you want to be loved, love others first. To that I will add, if you want faithfulness, start being faithful yourself. I will even go deeper in the biblical scriptures that clearly state “what a man sows, he shall reap” Galatians 6:7.

Life brings along a lot of schemas that at times happens to be difficult to handle. Some may be lucky, while others have to endure very hard times. Faithfulness goes beyond its general meaning. It has to do with even more powerful feelings such as loyalty, love and care.

Although it can be difficult to cope, do not worry because no matter how strong the adversity may seem, always keep yourself on the good side. Consider the world as a place where each and every move is inter-connected. Whenever you do a wrong thing, it shall come back to you sooner or later. All the same, if you do something right, you shall see the result sooner or at a later stage.

When one decides to persevere on the right way, he will definitely get rewards for his/her actions. It is a natural principal that can never fail and will work in your favour on a way or the other...Therefore, in marriage a man who finds a faithful woman or vice versa, is indeed one of the luckiest men on earth. It is true that in nature we, Men are born mean from the deepest of our heart, but through real repentance we do succeed in making a difference in the way we interact with each other.

That is to say that, we are good because we are created to God’s image, image of perfection. We may not reach his total degree of excellence because he is our Creator, but still with little efforts and good will, we can learn to please him and offer him a pleasant cult.

Keep your Heart Safe, It all starts from within…

  To my earthly kings...

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